Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 14- Back in the Groove and almost doubling my calories tomorrow wth????

Day 14
Weight: 231.6 (down .8) yay - good - finally
Fat % didn't check it and think I'll use the other site weekly to check it.

Snow day at home, it was so nice.
Activity today: Got on the Treadmill for 30 minutes at a pretty brisk pace, then started a Pilates tape but didn't get very far, ended up doing about 50 crunches.  I was feeling kind of blah because I just wasn't having the same results as I used to and got to thinking (FGT again er that stands for Fat Girl Thinking) that okay I'm 3-4 years older and I had gained 50 back in the past two years (that I had worked so diligently to lose back then) and that maybe my body just wasn't going to respond the same way or that it might get harder and I'll have to work my way there.  Actually felt kind of depressed about that. Then tonight after dinner my sweetie came up and said he fixed my tv/vcr in my workout area. So I went down and yes its working yay! I popped in the 3 mile Walk Away the Pounds video and used my 2 pound weights instead of the belt.  I was sweating a little at the end 45 minutes later- it was a good workout.  During the cool down I said to BF, huh this used to be my warmup!!  Then I thought well I do feel energized why not try something else, so I popped in my Tae Bo Basic which is 25 minutes long.   Wow by the time I was done with that one, I was really sweating and feeling fantastic!!! Wow I forgot how much I love to do those videos whoooooooo.

I'm so glad I found Corinne and the Phit-N-Phat site again.  I logged in my food for the last two days for this team I'm part of and she said sweetie, you are not eating enough for a sedentary person.  You need to be eating 10x your body weight on days that you exercise for any duration or intensity.  Preferably intensity as going by duration can have you working out 48 hours to burn the same calories you can burn at a high intensity rate in a much shorter time.  On days without exercise 1,800.    OKAY this goes so against everything I had learned, against what I had done before but maybe that's why I plateaued for so long back then and then lost the drive (there were other reasons too).  It even goes against the calorie count I got from a famous doctor's challenge for 2011 - I won't name names.  They gave me 1,251 calories a day for weight loss based on my height, weight, lifestyle.  Corrine says that is the formula she uses for her clients that are over 200 pounds.  After that she adjusts the ratio again.  But she said look at this way, if I was eating 1,200 or even 1,600 calories now to lose weight, it can be done, but when I get down to 190 pounds I'll have to drop even lower and lower in order to get results and once I got even lower but not yet at goal, I'd practically be starving to lose a pound and that lifestyle is hard to live with. You know it started to make sense.   If what we have believed all along worked so well, we wouldn't be a fat nation.  Fat people do not all pig out and overeat all the time as some people might think (obviously there were some issues that got them there though including overeating).  But many now, wanting to lose a little will drop their calories and hardly eat as much as the skinny person at the next table.   (I'm not making generalizations I'm just saying it does happen like that sometimes).  I do remember when I first started Weight Watchers a few years ago, I had to struggle to get in all my points that day.  Having less points didn't mean weight loss.  Eating enough meant weight loss.  So for now, I'm following Corinne's advice for the next few weeks and we'll see what kind of results I have.

But man, what a great day.  I felt such a rush of feel good endorphins when I finished.  I did it! And a few hours earlier I was depressed thinking I couldn't do the tougher workouts again yet.   Its all in our freakin heads really.  Look at what the people on Biggest Loser can do.  They are heavier than me and I never hear Bob say "program that treadmill to 3mph". No he says "program it to 7, now 8 for 1 minute, that's it now 10".    No, I don't have professional trainers and doctors standing by in case I faint and fall off the treadmill.  But I can certainly push myself beyond my preconceived boundaries.

"It doesn't count unless you sweat!"


  1. Keep up your enthusiasm! It's rubbing off on me! :) I cleaned my house yesterday now I feel like I can do other things. I feel like crap when my house is messy and all I want to do is...nothing.

  2. Thanks Tracy I will! When we clean our house, our bedroom, our car, our desk it gives us so much energy to do more and be creative. It must be the clearing of the pathways around you, allowing the energy to flow more freely. I love that feeling! I hope you are doing well and thank you for your support.
