Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 22 - near perfect day

Day 22
Weight: 231 I'm giving it the silent treatment now :) Although I think the recent gain over the past two days is water/PMS related.  We'll see how this next week goes.

Day started off a little hectic - got a call while I was still in bed from my BF who slid off the road into a snowbank, some shoveling and fancy driving later he was out within 40 minutes.

Food: I made it to 2280 approx calories yay!  Made a yummy caesar chicken wrap sandwich for lunch, turkery burger, rice pilaf and green beans for dinner.  Various snacks but the same I've had all week.  I'm out of my pink lady apples, so a trip to the store is in order for tomorrow for those and some different things for fruits and snacks.  I vowed to do my weekly dinner meal planning on Sunday night, but I guess i'll have to maybe do it tomorrow during the day so I can pick up the ingredients when I'm at the store.

Activity: I decided to do an early cardio this afternoon.  Put in the 3 mile WATP video and pulled some other videos out (a step workout and kickboxing with Denise Austin) sooooooo I ended up skipping the WATP cool down and putting in the 2 mile WATP video (so 5 miles total).  As I was walking the first one I felt kind of achey (made a note to myself to start stretching more at night and after strength workouts) so I didn't feel up to the step video and frankly Denise Austin (though I think she's great) I can't take her voice for too long.  I'm more of a Jillian Michaels personality fan :)  I'm glad I did the workout early because the night got away from me and even though I had planned to do another workout I feel good that I did two tapes earlier.  Which just goes to prove the value of Corinne's advice to workout on the days or at the time you can, because we have things that will pop up during regularly scheduled sessions.

So I think a new heart rate monitor is in order.  At one point during my workout, I tested my heart rate and it said like 202 beats per minute and didn't even give me a % as that would have been off the chart.  Ummmm I wasn't breathing that hard so I know it wasn't accurate.  Its quite old and I had to replace the battery the other night.  Said I burned over a 1000 calories ??? hmm possible but I don't think it was quite that high despite it being an hour and 13 minutes, its pretty low impact.  Really doesn't matter, the important thing is that I was active.  And, I stretched tonight before I started this blog.

Dinner out is planned for tomorrow night, hopefully my friend picks a place that serves a good salad because that is what I'm craving.  Think I'll avoid the red meat ugh.  I believe its psychological but I still feel like that sirloin from the other night is sitting right in the pit of my stomach yuck!!!

Tomorrow:  Push ups, lunges, squats at the shop and whatever else I can do there just in case I don't feel up to working out when I get home. :)
Have a beautiful and joyful weekend!    

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