Friday, February 18, 2011

Days 49 & 50 springing forward

oops missed blogging yesterday.
Day 49 - another Day of Rest (I just had too much going on in my head, developing a new class, finishing up another one, marketing upcoming events...)
Food: hmmmm
B: Protein Bar
S: Orange, Oatmeal
L: Salad w/ 2 oz chicken, protein shake
S: almonds 100 calorie pk (I went to shaw's in search of cherries fail!, and um knowing I hadn't eaten enough that afternoon I was struggling not to get something tasty to snack on.  hmmm pringles looked good.  But I opted for the Almond packs and had one while driving home.   I was still struggling though as dinner cooked.  Did I opt for an apple or orange or the red grapes I had just bought? No.... I went for the baked Doritos and finished the f'n bag.  Not buying them again! Not that good anyways :(.
D: homemade chicken soup and 2 slices of wheat bread.
S: I wasn't done, two FF fudgcicles.  Okay I know I'm PMSing but come one.  Can't I control myself????  I'm stuck on the I can handle those 40 calories (twice) but since I didn't end up exercising ... I shouldn't have even had those after the Doritos.

Got some great work done this night though. :) Overall rating for the day I'd give a 7.

Day 50
B: Yogurt cherry smoothie
L: Soup, rice w/ mixed veggies
and alot of talking with Kat at the shop today (just not feeling very hungry)
S: Planned apple, organge and almonds
D: unplanned not sure - this could be dangerous as we are going to the Y after work and probably won't get home till about 8. Not only should I have something to eat to fuel my workout but I'll be starving when I get home and not make good choices.  So, I shall have a glass of milk, and a PB sandwich on the way to the gym and bring a protein shake with me that I'll have after the workout.  Then when I get home maybe some chicken and sweet potatoe fries.

Activity: boxing class and/or walking the track.

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