Sunday, February 27, 2011

Days 57, 58 & 59 - achey ugh

Day 57 Friday
weight: 225.2 (guess my mantra worked)

This was a weird day, snow storm, son stayed home (well he came with me to the shop for 1/2 a day then we went home).  I decided (for some reason) to do another 24 hour fast.  After doing a little more research on the website that promotes 24 hour fasts I learned that his program recommends twice a week.  I planned to start another after lunch.  I had forgotten about that and was having snacks until 4 before I remembered lol.  So I started my fast at about 4pm.  I didn't start to feel physically hungry until about 2 pm the next day. Just to be clear though, the fasts that I'm doing are not mainly for the weightloss (though that's a nice benefit if it stays off) but its mainly for the detoxing and to learn more about my relationship with food and hunger. I need to learn when my body is really physically hungry and not just when I'm stressed or bored.
I did work out for awhile.
B: Yogurt & Cherry smoothie
L: LQ pizza, protein bar, pretzels
S: Small Mocha Frappe

Jari Love Strength Workout 30 minutes, WATP 20 minutes.  Two days later (right now) I don't remember why I cut both workouts short.  Was I tired? Interrupted?  I will have to pay attention next time to see if it had to do with being tired due to the fasting.

Day 58:
Weight 224.2 (not getting too excited because you never know how it will look tomorrow lol)
L: about 4pm Peanut Butter sandwich on WW, pretzels, apple
S: Protein Bar
D: I don't want to say (I didn't pack a dinner and I had a class until 7:30 so ate on the run after class on way to pick up my son).  I know better than this, but don't know why I am not packing a cooler for days like this.

No workout since i didn't get home till about 9:30 and after being on the go for 12 hours I was beat.

Day 59:
B: Eggs with spinach and ff cheese, 2 WW toast, skim milk
S: FF fudgcicle, pretzels
L: Big salad w/ 2 oz teriyaki steak tips
S: skim milk, cherries, 1/2 c. chocolate ice cream smoothie (um yeah I have a problem with chocolate lately, maybe I always have but lately I'm noticing it more)
D: lean turkey burger no bun, sweet potatoe fries both with ketchup
S: pretzels, Welch's fruit snacks

WATP a little over 3 miles 50 minutes. The workout went well, but I am really achey all over tonight and been getting headaches this week (even before the 1st fast you naysayers lol).

I had planned to do the fast twice a week for awhile but after writing this blog post I think I'm going to do only one day a week (mid week as the weekends are just too hard to stay on track) and to make an effort to eat cleaner and plan more.  I should never be without good choices for food available when I'm hungry.  Eating on the run, is not going to get me to where I want to be.  Which is a size 10 by my birthday in September, that's 5 sizes from where I'm at currently.

Eating clean
Being physically active
Getting plenty of sleep
Eating when I'm hungry (honestly I'm not sure eating several times a day is the best thing anymore).  I'm really torn at the moment about what is going to be best for me.  I understand and until now had agreed that eating frequently throughout the day helped you to avoid eating crappy or overeating, possibly speeding your metabolism.  Now I'm hearing more about how that is just keeping your insulin elevated all day instead of the few spikes from the typical 3 meals which is not necessarily a good thing.  And honestly shouldn't it be better to eat when your body is physically hungry and not just because its been 2 or 3 hours since your last snack.  I'm not a bodybuilder and I don't have the same needs as they do.  And then to answer the call of that hunger with clean healthy foods....  Marie, that doesn't include fat free fudgcicles and pretzels!!!!!

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