Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 34 - Hanging in there

Day 34
I started my workout today around 12:30 and started with the Jari Love CD, I just didn't have the energy to finish it.  Then I put in the WATP 3 mile tape and thought that might be easier and honestly it wasn't. I made it about 3/4 of a mile and realized I didn't have any energy and hadn't eaten much yet.  About 9am I had a cup of Kashi Go Lean cereal with skim milk and nothing else.  So i took a break and had a PB sandwich on wheat, with an apple and blueberry green tea, then grabbed some almonds and went back down to try and finish.

Yay, I put in the Tae Bo Basic workout and did that for 25 min, then put in the 3 mile WATP and finshed that one for a total of 3 miles, 44 minutes.  It does help to consume the calories, in order to fuel your workouts.  I should know that and I do know that.

I did take my measurements and wasn't super excited about them.  I did lose a few inches.  It is difficult to know if you are measuring in the same spot as the last time (obviously my plan to wear particular clothes so that I would know where to put the tape didnt' work out).  I'm considering using a permanent marker on my skin (but is that wise?), there must be an easier way.  Maybe having someone else do the measurements for me, but how embarrassing.  No matter how hard you try not to suck in your gut, so that you get a good measurement, you will, especially if someone else is taking the measurement.  Heck, I do it when I'm measuring myself lol.

I think I'm beginning to feel impatient with this weight loss, even though its half that I want to be healthier and half to lose the weight.  I know I'm getting healthier but I want to see the results already of weight loss.  So, I stop and think to myself, am I putting 100% into this? No I haven't for the last 2 weeks.  I'm putting in maybe 70% so I'll get even less a percentage of results. 

Ugh I have to remember that if I lose my motivation and fall back into bad habits (it would be so easy) I'll quickly move the other way and I care too much about myself and my future to let that happen.  I want to be around to watch my grandchild(ren) grow up, I want to be around when my son is old enough to get married and have his own children.  I have too much to give and too much to take, too much to experience and too much to teach to not make this lifestyle change a permanent thing and see it through to the end, despite the hard workouts, and despite the not so great food days.

Every day is a new chance to give it 100%, every meal is a chance to give it 100%.

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